What Is Rosacea?
Rosacea, monikered as the “Curse of the Celts”, is a chronic skin disorder that causes reddening of those parts of the face that are more prominent (chin, nose, forehead, and cheeks). In rare cases, the neck, décolleté, eyes, and ears may also be affected.
Specific Rosacea Symptoms
Rosacea is a disease accompanied by a feeling of tightness, burning, and warmth on the skin of the face. The skin reddens and the duration of redness may last for days. Around the forehead, cheeks, and nose may appear pimples, which may become pus and spread.
Causes and Factors that May Trigger Rosacea
Rosacea’s early discovery is crucial for its treatment. One way to reduce the symptoms is to change the habits of patients suffering from it.
The causes, or the so-called triggering factors, may be numerous:
- Hot or spicy food, coffee, alcohol, soft drinks.
- Stress, sun exposure, high or low temperatures, wind, hot baths, heavy exercise.
- Use of medicaments, as well as various skin care products.
- Gastritis, colitis, and/or digestive tract problems.
No cure for the disease has yet been discovered, but the moment the causes are established, they can be avoided in an effort to alleviate the condition of the skin and not aggravate it. Treatments with antibiotic creams and medications could also positively influence the symptoms. More severe cases may necessitate laser surgery.
With a sufficient number of laser procedures, it is possible to permanently get rid of rosacea, but it is also likely that some additional and periodic procedures will need to take place to eradicate newly formed capillaries.
Rosacea affects a grander percentage of women, but men suffer from it more severely. The symptoms are most likely to occur after the age of 30, especially in people with light skin or if their skin flushes/blushes easily.
A peculiar fact about rosacea is that it is less common among smokers because nicotine has an anti-inflammatory action.
Although the distinctive features of rosacea are oily skin with sebum, it should be clarified that rosacea is not a type of acne and treating it with products intended for the treatment of acne will not improve its condition.
The ideal makeup is mineral-based because it does not clog the pores and is not oil-based. The make-up also should not contain talc, mint, alcohol, eucalyptus oil, neither colors nor artificial flavors. Besides, it is vital to habitually clean the make-up brushes.
Clay and Its Importance for the Treatment of Rosacea
Deriving its color from copper and iron oxide, red clay is not only suitable for dry but also for sensitive and irritated skin. This clay variety is especially useful for rosacea treatment, and its excellent properties are due to its anti-inflammatory, healing, and restorative actions.
In addition to aiding in improving the blood supply, red clay also stimulates the metabolic processes in the body. It tones the skin and enhances its color, as well as that of the face.
Face Mask with Red Clay
A red-face face mask would be of great benefit for people, suffering from rosacea, by alleviating its symptoms.
How to Prepare the Mask at Home?
Whenever you are making use of any type of clay, it is of utmost importance to evade any contact with metal. In this regard, we can use a wooden, clay, or glass vessel and prepare a mixture of clay and lukewarm water. The clay density hinges upon ourselves – the only important thing is that it is not too runny.
Put some of the ready, homogeneous mixture on the face and let it craft its miracles for 15 minutes. Every so often, if necessary, sprinkle some water since clay is active only when wet. The only thing we have to do after that is rinse the face with lukewarm water.
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